How to Develop Your Intelligence

14 Mar 2025
Professor Patrick M. Georges, MD, Senior Neurosurgeon and Professor of Management and Decision Sciences at Collège des Ingénieurs (CDI), proposed a new model to enhance decision-making and behavioral prediction in organizational settings, the Six-System Intelligence Model (SIM). Drawing upon the work of Nobel laureates in behavioral economics, Daniel Kahneman and Richard Thaler, CDI has expanded this framework to establish a six-stage information-processing model that operates at three levels of decision quality. The SIM model remains a working hypothesis, which has been empirically validated in corporate environments over the past three years.  
The Six-System Intelligence Model (SIM)
The SIM model divides decision-making into two key phases: Phase 1: Decision Generation
  • Objective Setting (S1): The guidance system defines clear objectives.
  • Resource Allocation (S2): The planning system makes strategic choices for resource distribution.
  • Knowledge Activation (S3): The learning or knowledge management system activates relevant information for problem-solving.
Phase 2: Behavior Production
  • Motivation Setting (S4): The attentional management system regulates energy levels based on situational demands.
  • Environmental Interpretation (S5): The environment interpretation system updates perceptions of reality.
  • Results Production (S6): The result management system engages actions through verbal, written, and physical execution.
According to the SIM model, high-quality decision-making begins at the earliest stage—objective setting. It aligns with Kahneman’s dual-process theory, which differentiates between two levels of decision-making: fast and slow thinking. The model identifies three levels of information processing: Immediate, low-quality processing: Emotional, instinctual responses (e.g., “If it’s beautiful, it’s good”). Variable-quality processing: Thought influenced by belief or faith (e.g., “If they believe it, it’s true”). Slow, high-quality processing: Logical, structured reasoning used in science, mathematics, and physics. “You can experience these three levels first hand,” Georges explained. “At the immediate level, your brain provides a quick answer. If you wait two minutes, a more refined, variable-quality response emerges. If you wait even longer, a higher-quality solution is produced.”  

“Do not trust what you think. Never follow what pops into your mind first. The worst solution is the first.” — Professor Patrick M. Georges, MD, Senior Neurosurgeon and Professor of Management and Decision Sciences at Collège des Ingénieurs

  Georges emphasized that intelligence is the ability to inhibit instinctual responses, allowing time for rational, high-quality decision-making. Remaining in the default, low-quality processing system results in poor decisions. Rational thinking requires effort, and individuals often resist it because it demands conscious discipline. “High-quality processing must be enforced—it’s not natural. It requires discipline, structured business processes, and an environment that supports thoughtful decision-making,” Georges noted.  
How to Make Better Decisions
Managers often make poor decisions due to misleading influences, flawed communication, wrongdoing, stress, incompetence, malpractice, and a lack of innovation or adaptability. Georges defines managerial intelligence as the ability to demonstrate resilience under stress, verify information, and leverage people and technology to optimize outcomes. “To improve decision-making, managers must resist low-level processing, master variable-quality thinking, and actively favor high-quality decision-making,” he explained. Practical Strategies for Enhancing Decision-Making in Organizations
  1. Set a Clear Objective Before Starting the Day: Never begin the day without a primary goal in mind. Decide on this objective before arriving at work; otherwise, incoming information will dictate your priorities. “If you check emails first thing in the morning, you become a puppet to others’ problems. Lock in your primary objective (S1) before engaging with external demands,” Georges advised.
  2. Create a Personal Strategic Plan (PSP) Define your ideal day three years from now: What is your salary? What is your financial capital? What position do you hold? What publications have you authored? Where do you live? What car do you drive? What is your family situation? “If you don’t establish clear objectives, you will end up where others want you to be—not where you intend to go,” Georges stated.
  3. Develop Strong Habits to Resist Stress and Distractions Maintain an organized workspace—intelligence decreases by 12% in cluttered environments. Minimize distractions from notifications and unnecessary interruptions.
  4. Never deliver your key messages the same day Take the time to review and refine your key messages before delivering it to your employees.
In conclusion, to make better decisions, organizations and individuals must operate at the high-quality level of processing. This requires structured decision-making processes, discipline, and an environment that fosters rational thinking. By applying the SIM model, managers can minimize errors, enhance decision-making, and achieve long-term success. Source: Georges, M. Patrick. Develop your intelligence and make better decisions: Advances in managerial intelligence and decision-making. Seminar handbook, Research Issues. Executive Education.
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