Inspiring DX strategy for Indian executives

28 Feb 2022
A 3-hour online seminar, “Business Strategy and DX in Times of Changes – benefits and challenges”, was held on February 17, 2022, with 160 Indian executives, consultants, and government officials. The program, designed by AOTS (a Japanese organization for human resource development in developing countries) in conjunction with Sasin Japan Center (SJC), introduced the state of Japanese DX in manufacturing industries. The seminar received financial support from the Japanese government as an ODA program. The seminar consisted of three parts: a lecture, case introduction, and panel discussion. Professor Takamasa Fujioka, Director of SJC was the key speaker while two Japanese guest speakers were invited for the case introduction and panel discussion: Mr. Motoki Shiho (CKD and Sasin EMBA 2020) and Mr. Hiroshi Iwai (Hino Motors and Sasin EMBA 2021).The panel discussion was arranged and moderated by SJC. Feedback from the participants was very positive and many of them commented that they learned a lot about DX and got familiar with the status of Japanese companies in implementing DX. SJC and AOTS have started to discuss next collaborative events.
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