Sasin professor co-authors marketing research paper

03 Sep 2015

Associate Professor Krittinee Nuttavuthisit, Ph.D. is a co-author of the research paper, Developing Markets? Understanding the Role of Markets and Development at the Intersection of Macromarketing and Transformative Consumer Research (TCR); published in the Journal of Macromarketing.


Sasin professor co-authors marketing research paper


Published in:
Journal of Macromarketing 2015, Vol. 35 (2), 257-271.
(with Figueiredo B., Chelekis J., DeBerry-Spence B., Firat F., Ger G., Godefroit-Winkel D., Kravets O., Moisander J., Peñaloza L., & Tadajewski M.)


Situated at the intersection of markets and development, this commentary aims to promote a cross-fertilization of macromarketing and Transformative Consumer Research (TCR) that directs attention to the sociocultural context and situational embeddedness of consumer experience and well-being, while acknowledging complex, systemic interdependencies between markets, marketing, and society. Based on a critical review of the meaning of development and an interrogation of various developmental discourses, the authors develop a conceptual framework that brings together issues of development, well-being, and social inequalities. We suggest that these issues are better understood and addressed when examined via grounded investigations of the role of markets in shaping the management of resources, consumer agency, power inequalities and ethics. The use of markets as units of
analysis may lead to further cross-fertilizations of TCR and macromarketing and to more comprehensive theorizing and transformational impact. Two empirical cases are provided to illustrate our framework.

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