Sasin Hosts Launch of Economic Case for LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Thailand

09 Oct 2024
LGBTQ+ inclusion is not only a matter of social justice but also a significant economic opportunity for Thailand and Southeast Asia, according to Emma Appleby, Project Manager at Open for Business, who presented the key findings from the new research report. Sasin and TransTalents Consulting Group hosted the launch of the “Economic Case for LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Thailand,” a new report published by Open for Business on September 30. The report highlights the estimated annual cost of LGBTQ+ discrimination in Thailand, emphasizing economic gains from enhanced inclusion. Appleby underscored several key themes from the report:
  • Addressing the Wage Gap: Thailand, like many countries, experiences an LGBTQ+ wage gap, meaning LGBTQ+ individuals earn less than their non-LGBTQ+ counterparts. This disparity stems from various factors, including barriers in recruitment, promotion opportunities, and workplace discrimination.
  • The Power of Positive Perception: Increased positive global news coverage about LGBTQ+ topics, like Thailand has experienced, can bolster a country’s reputation and attract international talent. The more inclusive a country, the more desirable it becomes for international assignees seeking work opportunities.
  • Complex Interactions: Research suggests complex relationships between country-level indicators, like corruption and brain drain, and LGBTQ+ inclusion. While the mechanisms are not fully understood, the pattern is consistent: more inclusive countries have a variety of positive macro-level consequences that seem to trickle down to benefit LGBTQ+ and other individuals.
Appleby emphasized the significance of the report’s data in advocating for LGBTQ+ inclusion, providing concrete evidence for stakeholders and policymakers to consider. Addressing the “Missing Pieces” Participants also engaged in an interactive brainstorming session facilitated by the Founder of TransTalents Consulting Group’s, Nikki Phinyapincha. Attendees were divided into groups based on their interests, covering topics like public policy, research needs, DEI and talent management, and LGBTQ+ rights advocacy. Nikki and Dr. Mallory encouraged participants to think critically about the research findings, identify missing pieces, and propose solutions to address the existing gaps. Both emphasized that the Toolkit, developed in partnership with the UN and others, is a practical guide for organizations seeking to implement inclusive policies and practices. The Toolkit, available online, explores practical aspects of creating an inclusive workplace, covering HR policies, Codes of Conduct, Training, and the Business Case–something the Open for Business report now complements. Sasin’s Role as an Inclusion Hub in Thailand In opening remarks, Dr. Mallory, Inclusion Ambassador and Professor of Organizational Behavior and Management at Sasin, spoke about the importance of inclusive business and Sasin’s commitment to promoting inclusion in Thailand. Dr. Mallory highlighted Sasin’s growing focus on sustainability, particularly the human factor, which inevitably has led to a move toward inclusive business practices. He acknowledged the challenges of applying Western inclusion research in a Thai context and emphasized the need to make these concepts accessible and relatable to Thai culture and business leaders. Dr. Mallory highlighted Sasin’s initiatives in promoting LGBTQ+ inclusion, including:
  • Conducting the world’s first study on transgender leadership to showcase the unique strengths LGBTQ+ leaders bring to business.
  • Collaborating with the UNDP, Thailand and other partners to develop an Inclusion Toolkit for Thai businesses, meticulously crafted in Thai and English to engage a broader audience, including individuals less familiar with Western terminology.
A Call to Action for Inclusive Business The event concluded with a call to action, urging participants to use the research findings and Toolkit to advocate for LGBTQ+ inclusion within their organizations and communities. The “Economic Case for LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Thailand” event highlighted Sasin’s ongoing commitment to fostering an inclusive business environment in Thailand. By partnering with organizations like Open for Business and TransTalents Consulting Group, Sasin continues to drive impactful conversations and initiatives that lead to a more equitable and prosperous future for all. To learn more about Sasin’s stakeholder-driven vision of inclusive business and education, visit Sasin’s Inclusion page or download a copy of the Toolkit.
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