Associate Professor Krittinee Nuttavuthisit, Ph.D. recently published a research paper “Vocational Education for Sustainable Community Development: Building Collaborative Efforts in Myanmar and Vietnam; published in Community Development Journal.”
Education is the key to sustainable community development, particularly in emerging countries such as Myanmar and Vietnam with their rapid economic advancement that has increasingly demanded qualified workforces. Realizing the need to invest in building human capital, the countries have emphasized policies to improve and expand vocational education to increase productivity of individuals and the societies, while facilitating people’s access to work and fulfilling their personal and social freedom. Nevertheless, due to the mismatch between skills required by industry and those provided by the education system, the problem of workforce shortage alongside unemployment remains. Previous studies identified the challenges of fragmented efforts among relevant stakeholders. This study proposes a model to address the underdeveloped area of understanding while contributing to the practical use of development. The model demonstrates a systematic process for the planned efforts of relevant stakeholders to connect and share benefits. While existing public and private partnerships in Myanmar and Vietnam remain in the areas of policy development, supporting resources, and some internship programs, this model suggests opportunities and platforms allowing all stakeholders to participate and collaborate, with the role of business to combine the interactions in the core area of planning and operating technical and vocational institutions
For the full research paper, please download from the link below: