Sasin Sustainability and Entrepreneurship Center, in collaboration with The National Office of Buddhism of Thailand, the World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB), and the World Buddhist University (WBU) recently held an international conference on the Buddhist Path to Sustainable Development Goals on 4 -5 December 2018. More than 100 guests from the Buddhist community and from the general public attended this special event.
The conference was chaired by Venerable Anil Sakya, Rector of World Buddhist University and Professor Stephen B. Young, Executive Director of the Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism and Sasin Visiting Professor. The aim of the conference was to bring together leading academics, government policy makers, Buddhist leaders as well as relevant stakeholders in an open dialogue to discuss the issues and set directions for a publication of the Buddhist Path of Sustainable Development Goals.
Nick Pisalyaput, Director of SEC, and Vasu Srivibha, Senior Project Manager and Lead Researcher were invited to chair the session and present the publication on Dharmic Sustainability at Work in Thai Companies. The two-day international conference was designed so that the proceedings of the conference can be published as a reference book for the field of Buddhism and SDGs.