Sasin Synergizes with MIT

03 Jul 2017
Sasin Synergizes with MIT

Faculty members at Sasin – Thailand’s number one business school – welcomed MBA students from MIT Sloan School of Management, USA for MIT- Sasin Action Learning Lab at Sasin. In the next few weeks, MBA students from Sasin and MIT Sloan School of Management will collaborate in three Action Learning projects to tackle real-world business challenges in three different corporations. The joint initiative projects cover a range of issues, such as strategy, operations, business development, finance, marketing and human resources, as well as other management challenges. The projects give students on the ground opportunities to put classroom theory into practice.



Pictured are:
Asst. Prof. Chonawee Supatgiat, Ph.D. (7th from left), Finance faculty; Nick Pisalyaput (8th from left), Director of Sasin Centre for Sustainability Management; Prof. Kua Wongboonsin, Ph.D. (9th from left), Senior Researcher; Asst. Prof. Chaipong Pongpanich, Ph.D. (8th from left)


Sasin Synergizes with  MIT

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