- Senior Professor, Innovation & Design Thinking, Grenoble École de Management (GEM)
- Visiting Professor, Sasin School of Management
- Centre d’excellence académique – Talent Booster, Grenoble Ecole de Management, since 2018
- Program Director, Bachelor in International Business BIB, Grenoble Ecole de Management, 2003 – 2018
- Senior Professor, at Grenoble Ecole de Management GEM, since 2008
- Associate Professor, at Grenoble Ecole de Management GEM, 1991-2008
- Industrial Designer, Bemeca Design, Industrial Products, Grenoble, France, 1991-1993
- Product Development Manager, Groupe Sommer Allibert, Grenoble, France, 1989-1991
- Industrial Designer, Philips Corporate Industrial Design, Consumer Products, Groningen, The Netherlands, 1986-1989
- Design Thinking
- New Product Development
- Innovation
- Product Communication
- Technology Management
Peer-reviewed Academic Journals
- Gotzsch J. (2017), Getting Creative Again. Awaking Your Inner Creative Self, The Design Journal, Issue sup 1, Taylor & Francis Online
- Gotzsch J. (2008), Key Aspects of Product Attraction: A focus on Eco-Friendliness, International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, vol. 1, pp. 37-52
- Gotzsch J. (2006), Product Talk, Design Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 16-24
- Gotzsch J. (2006), Product development with a focus on attractive product expression: an analysis of case studies, International Journal of Product Development, vol. 3, no. 3-4, pp. 467-476
- Gotzsch J. (2003), Managing Product Charisma, Cahiers du Management Technologique (Les), vol. 13-2, pp. 10
- Gotzsch J. (2001), Designing Products with Personality, Cahiers du Management Technologique (Les), vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 10
- Gotzsch J. (1999), Creating Products with Symbolic Value, Cahiers du Management Technologique (Les), vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 10
- Gotzsch J. (1997), Design Effectiveness, Cahiers du Management Technologique (Les), vol. 21, pp. 10
- Gotzsch J. (2020), Functional, Beautiful and Meaningful Products: Designed to be Loved, in Der Offenbacher Ansatz. Zur Theorie der Produktsprache, T. Schwer and K. Vöckler, Ed
- Gotzsch J. (2012), Designing for a Better World in Business Ethics: a Critical Approach – Integrating Ethics across the Business World, P. O’Sullivan, M. Smith and M. Esposito, Ed. Routledge, pp. 267-284
- Gotzsch J. (2012), Designing Product Charisma: Product Meaning, Functionality and Aesthetics in Producing New Knowledge on Innovation Management, B. Chapelet, M. Le Berre, Ed. Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, pp. 279 – 296
- Gotzsch J. (2009), Innovation through Design (Case study in chapter) in FT Fast Track to Success, Innovation, A. Bruce, D. Birchall, Ed. Pearson Education, pp. 152 -153
- Gotzsch J. (1998), Design Orientation in New Product Development in Managing New Product Development, Ed. Routledge
- Gotzsch J. (2021), Stimuler la créativité – les leçons de la pandémie, Grandes Ecoles Magazine, 2021, Online
- Gotzsch J. (2009), Design et Managers, Magazine DesignPlus, vol. 34, pp. 37-41
- Gotzsch J. (2007), Les perspectives du développement écologique des produits, MIT Technology Review, édition française, vol. 4, pp. 80-83
- Gotzsch J. (2005), De la performance technique à la valeur symbolique, Design Management Magazine, vol. 8, pp. 21-24
- Gotzsch J. (2004), Managing Product Charisma, InnKnow Forum, no. 6 Fall, pp. 10
- Gotzsch J. (2003), Designed to be Loved: The Art of Product charisma, European Business Forum, vol. 13, pp. 47-52